Business Stories

Season Ended ... Next Small Season in March 2025
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Business Stories

Durian Harvest Schedule 2021
May 30, 2021

This is the moment we have all been waiting for - The mid year Durian Fiesta!!!


We are about to kickstart this Durian season in around 7 to 10 days. But don't get too excited too soon. As with past durian seasons, the harvest will start slow and gradually pick up speed. 

Here's 5 cheating techniques commonly used by durian sellers!
May 14, 2021

First of all, let me just start by declaring that, yes, I'm a durian seller, and yes, I'm about to do an expose of the malpractices and the inner workings of the durian trade.

Well, you may think, "Chey, you also sell durian wat... Why shoul...

And this is how we cope with the Covid crisis as a small business.
May 14, 2021

Make no mistake, no one will be spared in this Covid crisis.


Entire supply chains will be affected.


The world over, CEOs from S&P 500 companies ar...

Never heard of Durian? Here's some basic facts about durian you need to know before trying.
May 14, 2021
Basket of durian during the season.

You may have heard of durians, but if you are not from Southeast Asia, you may not be too familiar with durians.


So what exactly are durians?


The name Du...

Stanley Ho - The man who made Mao Shan Wang famous
Apr 20, 2021


Stanley Ho is a well-known business magnate in Hong Kong. Known by the nickname, Godfather or King of Gambling, he is a prominent billionaire who owns 19 casinos.

In 2010, without him eve...

Fake durian news-  The Coronavirus and impact on durian trade.
Mar 27, 2020

This year end durian season saw many twists and turns, and some fake news as well. In this article, I shall run you through several events in sequence. Hope that I can help in dispelling some of the half-truths and the untruths.